Insanity.Net - Props to mah Nigz
Return to Merry Madness - Do What You Wanna Do:
The Family, My Consigliere, Killa B, Evelio and The Jeffereson Health Care System, Chez Robbinowitz, Jurcock, The Reverential Phat Sean, BlackFlys, my fuckrag bumpkin, DKNY and KC for making (overpriced) pants that fit my scrawny ass, Erie Insurance,
WHAM (Woman
Happily Advocating Masturbation,) University of
Pennsylvania's Security

No Thanx and a Big FUCK YOU to:
Debbie Skaler, Dan Lamb and all of Top Shelf Market, FMC Technologies and Fresh'n Squeeze, Scottrade, Fidelity Investments,
Frankford Hospital, Tapiwa Photography, Tapiwa, The Holy Spirit, Entire
Faculty, Student Body, and Alumni of Central High, and all of France (including Canada).
The Defects from MA
At any givin time, at least 3 of them are online....without fail. However, I am
currently unsure as to which of the above catagories they fall. You see, one by one,
they are quite charming. But when you take them as a whole, there's some seriously
fuct up genetic material.